Sunday, February 26, 2012

Natural carpet refresher sprinkle

I went into my youngest sons current room (which in a couple of months will be the nursery) and it didn't smell awful per say but it didn't smell great. So I picked up a few clothes from the night before off the floor and emptied the diaper pail but it still smelled a little musty. Really quick I put together a carpet sprinkle that normally calls for aprox 1/2 cup - 1 cup of baking soda and 5-10 drops of essential oil. However I am running low on baking soda from sheer over use so I replaced the baking soda with borax powder and voila! Worked amazing!

1 cup (More depending on the size of the room or rooms you're deodorizing) of baking soda OR Borax powder

5 drops each of essential oil.

For my 1st batch I used lemon but for the living room I made a citrus blend of lemon and orange.

Lemon oil is an antiseptic as well as having an aroma that is refreshing and rejuvenating; it inspires and clears the mind while bringing a fresh energy into the environment .
Lemon Oil is very uplifting, yet relaxing.

Orange oil is also an antiseptic and creates and inner and outer atmosphere of cheer
Citrus oils generally help to eliminate emotional confusion and increase ones sense of humor and well-being.

The house smells very light and clean with just a quick vaccum. Also much cheaper and eco friendly than tradtional carpet refreshing sprinkles.

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